Category — Vocabulary
The word of the day is sanguinare. It means “to bleed.”
Here it is in a sentence:
Il mio cuore sanguina per te. La mia testa sanguina a causa del frisbee.
Happy translating!
July 14, 2009 2 Comments
Today’s vocab word is “è piovuto,” which means “it’s raining.”
Here it is in a phrase.
è piovuto uomini. Hallelujah! è piovuto uomini. Amen.
Happy translating!
July 10, 2009 Comments Off on Vocab
The word of the day is eccita. It means excited (in the after dark kind of way).
Here it is in a sentence:
Il salame non mi eccita. Sono una vegetariana.
Happy translating!
July 8, 2009 3 Comments
Today’s vocabulary word is “potente/i,” which means “powerful.” the e ending is singular and the i ending is plural.
Here it is used in a sentence:
“Ciao! Hai potenti mani. Posso comprare qualcosa da bere?”
Happy translating!
July 8, 2009 Comments Off on Vocab
Vocab of the day
Since I’ve been back, I have started learning Italian. I bought an old Berlitz book, and am working my way through “instant conversation in a taxi” and “forms of the verb essere,” but almost every day I end up learning a fabulous new vocab word.
Each day I’ll post the best word I’ve learned and use it in a sentence. You get to figure out what it means. I promise it will be entertaining. I suggest using Google translate or something similar.
July 8, 2009 Comments Off on Vocab of the day